private custom San Francisco hiking tours

Private Custom San Francisco Hiking Tours

“Put on your walkin’ shoes and breathe some fresh Pacific air” . . . Some tour guide



Lands End/Presidio combination – Gorgeous 3.5 mile light to moderate walk along stunning cliffs above the ocean. Just beautiful and right in town. Western views of the Golden Gate Bridge and mouth of San Francisco Bay. Spectacular. One set of 100 stairs.

Presidio – There are many easy to moderate trails inside the national park.
4 hours – 395.



Tennessee Valley – Less than 15 minutes after you cross the Golden Gate Bridge this easy 3.4 mile
roundtrip walk ends at a beautiful “pocket” beach. Perfect for a wine & cheese picnic.
4 hours – 395. Additional hours at $95/hour.

Mt. Tamalpais –Mt. Tamalpais – The mountain is criss-crossed with miles of trails. On clear days you can see forever from 2700’ above the bay and the Pacific. There’s a waterfall during parts of the year.
5 hours – 495. Additional hours at $95/hour.

Lake Bon Tempe –Lake Bon Tempe – Gorgeous sapphire! A “poor man’s Lake Tahoe”. Part of the chain of reservoirs in the Mt. Tam watershed. Easy 4 mile walk around the lake. Perfect for a wine & cheese picnic.
4.5 hours – 425. Additional hours at $95/hour.



Purisima Creek Open Space Redwood Preserve – Easy to moderately strenuous 7.5 mile loop along a creek, old logging road, trails and magical redwood forest environments. This is a beautiful one hour drive south of San Francisco on coast Highway 1.
Lunch in Half Moon Bay – cost not included.
6.5 hours – 625. Additional hours at $95/hour.


Price does not include entry fees or meals.

Meal stop required for tours over 4 hours.

*Prices are higher for tours booked by hotel concierges and travel agents.